Open Green Energy

Open Source DIY Projects on Green energy

DIY Mini Lab Power Supply

    The Mini Lab Power Supply is extremely useful for electronics hobbyists, but it can be expensive when purchased from the market. In this Instructable, I will show you, how to make a mini-lab power supply with a limited budget. It is a great DIY project for beginners as well as anyone interested in […]

DIY Off-Grid Solar System V2.0

The prices of solar panels have been falling gradually but the cost of an off-grid solar system setup is rising steadily. However, anyone with basic knowledge of Electricity and having a toolbox can install it on their own. This will reduce the overall system cost substantially and you will learn a lot. In order to […]

DIY Mini UPS for WiFi Router V2.0

  The pandemic COVID-19 outbreak forced companies to continue with work-from-home policy to maintain social distancing and for business continuity. More and more of us are working from home these days, and that means your home’s WiFi networks are more important than ever. Anyone with a fixed-line connection will know that their WiFi drops whenever […]

DIY ESP8266 Covid-19 Live Tracker

    This ESP8266 Covid-19 Live Tracker will help you to be up to date about the coronavirus outbreak and the situation in your country. This is an IoT-based project which displays the real-time data of cases, deaths, and recovered people by the coronavirus ( COVID-19 ). It uses a Wemos D1 Mini Pro board […]

Arduino Solar Charge Controller ( V 2.02)

  If you are planning to install an off-grid solar system with a battery bank, you’ll need a Solar Charge Controller. It is a device that is placed between the Solar Panel and the Battery Bank to control the amount of electric energy produced by Solar panels going into the batteries. The main function is […]

Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V2.0

      In this post, I will share how to make a solar powered wifi weather station v2.0. This article is a continuation of my earlier weather station project. It was quite popular on the web, people around the globe made their own by following it and given valuable feedback for improvement. By taking […]

DIY Professional 18650 Battery Pack

  The world is shifting away from fossil fuels and will one day become fully electric. In the present world, Lithium-ion is the most promising chemistry of all batteries. Most of the battery packs used in Laptops, RC Toys, Drones, Medical devices, Power tools, e-bikes, and electric cars (EV) are based on the 18650. It […]

How To Make a Bench Power Supply

    A bench power supply is an extremely handy bit of kit to have around for electronics hobbyists, but they can be expensive when purchased from the market. In this Instructable, I will show you, how to make a variable lab bench power supply with a limited budget. It is a great DIY project […]

DIY Solar Power Generator V1.0

    In this tutorial, I walk you through everything you need to know to make your own Solar Power Generator. This is a perfect tool for any outdoor use such as camping, hiking, hunting, offroading, fishing, and survival situations. During the storm/grid power cut-off, you can use it at your home also. I made […]